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Alica ( Gast )

05.05.2005 15:32
Wichtige Frage!! Antworten

Ich hab mal ne ganz wichtige Frage, vielleicht kann mir hier jemand helfen!
Ich wollte ein Fanlisting machen(wozu sag' ich noch nicht ) und hab mir hier( so die nötigsten PHP-Sachen runtergeladen...Jetzt steht da aber in der "Readme" Datei was, was ich irgendwie nicht verstehe...


NOTE: Please read through this entire .txt file carefully before you do anything. The Additional Notes at the bottom contain handy tips and tricks that might be of use to you.

NOTE 2: If you already have a database ready for use, skip to step 2. And if you want to use this script for more than one fanlisting, please read the Additional Notes first.

1. Log into your domain's control panel and create a new database called members (or whatever
you like, really) Then, either create a new user, or give an existing user access to the
database. You will need the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and CREATE privileges.

2. Extract the zip file to your desktop

3. Open config.php in a text editor such as Notepad or CuteHTML and edit all of the variables.

4. Upload all the files to the same directory your fanlisting is in.

6. Load the uploaded create.php file in your browser. You should get a 'Success! Tables
created.' message but if not, please re-check all of the information in config.php. It means your database details are incorrect.

7. Delete create.php from your server to avoid security risks.

8. Load the uploaded admin.php file in your browser and log in with the password chosen
in config.php.

9. That's it! You may now begin approving members for your fanlisting. :) Don't
forget that you can edit, and style.css to your heart's content.
When someone has joined your fanlisting, login to admin.php to approve them. When someone sends in an Updated Information form, login to admin.php and go to the Edit Members page. Use the search form to find your member in the database. You don't have to fill in all the fields, just one or two will usually find your member. Then change their details and click the Submit button to submit the changes.

11. You can now display the date your fanlisting was last updated (ie, you approved or edited a member). I strongly recommend doing this, as it is now a rule at If your site does not display a Last Updated date, your fanlisting is at the risk of being put on the Troubles list.
However, with this small bit of coding, the date is updated automatically every time you update the fanlisting. :) Insert the following into your page (which must have a .php extension):

Kann mir hier jemand helfen?????

Ich komme sonst nicht weiter!

Schöne Grüße,

«« @Marti
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